For America (Day 93) – A Prayer for Israel

foramericaprayerjournalFather in heaven,
We never forget You are the Great “I Am,”
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
The Alpha and Omega, First and Last.

Remember Your people, Oh God!
Remember Your promises and Your covenants.
Forgive us for ignoring Your Word
And rejecting Your gifts.

Turn our hearts towards You, once again,
And deliver us from the evil one.
Be merciful and graceful towards us
As we repent of our many sins.

Remember Israel — remember Jerusalem;
We pray for peace and fruitfulness for the land.
We pray for the never-ending conflict to end,
That your people may return to worship You once again.

Open the eyes of the blind, Lord;
Give them ears to hear.
May miracles flourish to Your Glory
That the world may know only You are God.

Let the songs of the Lord be heard in Jerusalem;
Let all who hear rejoice in the strength of the Lord.
May Jerusalem’s enemies stumble;
May their plans for destruction come to nothing.

We pray for the leaders of Israel.
May they seek You and allow Your Word
To be their guiding manual,
For You have promised wisdom freely to those who seek it.

We know you won’t forsake Your people;
You are the King of Kings!
You bring the counsel of nations to nothing.
Only Your purposes remain.

To this, we say, “Amen, may it be so!”
For in You is found all wisdom and love,
You know the end from the beginning,
And Your Word abides forever.

Bless Jerusalem,
Bless Israel,
And continue to bless the United States of America,

Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.

Mario Diaz, Esq. is CWA’s general counsel. Follow him on Twitter @mariodiazesq.