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For America (Day 9)

By November 12, 2014Prayer


With our whole hearts we seek You, Lord,
For Your ways are marvelous.
Who makes the clouds His chariot,
And walks on the wings of the wind?

Who laid the foundations of earth,
Establishing the limits of the mighty oceans?

You spoke, and it was …
Is there anyone else like You?

You cause the grass to grow
And earth to bear its fruits
For our sustenance and enjoyment.

You appointed the seasons
So that all of creation moves
To the tune of your heavenly melody.

You established America,
How can we do anything but give You thanks?
Where could we turn but to You?
You have been our only refuge and strength.

We put our trust in neither might,
Nor the innovation of our collective minds,
But in our complete reliance on You.

Help us to spread that reality
To every man, woman, and child in our land
And to the ends of the earth.


[Editor’s Note: Today’s prayer was inspired by Psalm 104. We encourage you to take a moment, open God’s word and read it. ]