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For America (Day 76)

Lord of all created — visible and invisible —
We thank You for this undeserved moment,
The morning sunrise, cool temperature,
The fresh scent of the approaching spring.

We thank You for Your endless love,
Your mercy and grace towards us.
Thank You for Your patience with
Our nation and our wretched sins.

We repent.
Your people plead before You,
“Have mercy, oh God.
Help us turn to You.”

For, just like Adam, we have exchanged
Truth for a lie, the glory of God for images
Made by human hands
Even the image of our very self.

Help us see our sin and reject it.
Help us to communicate Your Love and forgiveness
With our brethren around the country.
Show Yourself to us, in mercy.

We humbly ask that You take the hearts of our leaders
Which are in Your hands and turn them towards Truth.
May they let Your Word and Your principles guide them
Through the many decisions they must make.

Help them withstand the enemy’s enticement
To glorify themselves, instead of the Living God.
Protect their loved ones, and open their eyes, too,
That they may seek after You above all.

We ask these things in thanksgiving,
Knowing we do not deserve any of it,
But relying on Your character —
Your nature as a God Who is slow to anger.

You are abounding in steadfast love,
You are omniscient, omnipresent,
Omnipotent, omnibenevolent,
Eternal, holy, and divine.
You are incomparable.

Therefore, we put all our trust,
All our faith, all our hopes and dreams
In You and You alone.
For there is no other — no other god like You.

You sent Your Son, Your only begotten Son,
To die on the cross for our sins,
Defeating death and making a way
For our salvation.

We stand on His sacrifice still today,
Knowing Jesus is the vine,
We the branches, and
We can do nothing apart from Him.

It is in His name we pray,