For America (Day 65)

By September 22, 2016Prayer

Lord, we pray for peace.
We pray for all peoples
Of the world You created,
Your image on Earth.

We give you thanks for
The countless blessings
You bestow on us sinners
Each second of every hour of every day.

We do not come with reproach
For we know who we are
And who You are,
Most Holy Lord of the Universe.

We come crying out for help
From the source of our only hope
And salvation —
Jesus, the Christ.

We pray for kings
And those in authority,
That we may live peaceful lives,
For this is pleasing to You.

We ask for wisdom for our leaders
And for the people.
We ask that the plans of exploiters
Would fail in the midst of the assembly.

We pray against the violence of the enemy.
We pray for understanding and compassion;
For a time of introspection
And ultimate recognition of transcendental truths.

We pray for a restoration of hope
In the hearts of so many we see
Struggling to find their purpose
And place in life.

Draw us to You, Heavenly Father.
Have mercy on us,
For we know not what we do
Or say. … Teach us to listen.


Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.