On this National Day of Prayer, Lord
We call upon You—hasten to our aid!
In Your mercy, listen to our plea;
Let our prayers be as a sweet aroma to You.
For we lift Your Name above all;
“In God we trust,” we still proclaim, today,
Recognizing You as the One true King
And rejecting the call of the age to forget You.
Protect us from evil, Father;
Help us to love one another
As You have loved us from the beginning.
Give us servant sprits for our neighbors.
Set a guard over our mouths,
Help us tame it and restrain it
With Your love and compassion.
Keep our heart from self-centeredness.
Help us embrace Your loving correction, as a people.
Give us understanding to appreciate the kindness
Of a friend’s rebuke—may we not refuse it in our pride;
Give us humble hearts.
Give us wisdom, Lord;
Our eyes are towards You—
Our refuge and strength,
Our courage and defense.
Keep us from leaning on our own understanding,
The strength of our armies, or the size of our coffers.
Let those who seek our destruction fall into their own traps,
For we trust in You, our Lord and King.
Let the world forever associate us with You.
The One true God.
Our Creator, our Redeemer,
Our Savior …
In Whose Name we pray,

Watch the 2019 Livestream | May 2nd, 7:30-9:30pm EST
Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.
Mario Diaz, Esq. is CWA’s general counsel. You can follow him on Twitter @mariodiazesq.