February 5, 2014 Action Alert

By February 7, 2014Washington

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

The state legislature session is moving rapidly, so not only do we as believers need to pray harder, but we also need to be informed in order to contact our district legislators and politely but firmly share our perspective on bills being considered.

Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong…Let all that you do be done with love. 1 Corinthians 16:13, 14

This is not a time to stand in the shadows; this is a time to be bold and to stand fast on our Biblical principles in the light of day.

Are you a prayer warrior on our campaign to ENCOURAGE-A-LEGISLATOR? We need more CWA members praying for and sending postcards to our representatives and senators! Please fill out the attached form and begin praying now! We will send you the name of a legislator along with our helpful suggestions for prayer and notes.

Please continue to pray that our elected officials will honor the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of worship: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …” Some are now interpreting that clause to mean that we can worship freely but that we cannot practice our faith in public, our workplaces or even our own businesses. The Pilgrims did not come to this continent with that in mind; they fled a government that restricted not only the way they could worship, but how their faith could affect their lives. Our founders chose to list freedom of religion FIRST in the First Amendment in recognition of the role Biblical faith played in our beginning and in our heritage.

With this in mind, please remember to pray for the Stormans (Olympia pharmacy owners under attack by state government for their refusal to carry abortion-causing drugs) and Barronelle Stutzman (Arlene’s Flowers’ owner who is being sued by the state’s Attorney General for her polite refusal to provide flowers for a homosexual wedding).


HB 2148 mandates that ALL health insurance policies that cover maternity care also cover abortions. This leaves no choice for prolifers who do not want this coverage nor want to spend their insurance dollars on abortion for others. CWA opposes this bill.

2148 passed in the House of Representatives today (2/5/14) with a 54:44 vote. It will now move through Senate committees and toward a vote on the Senate floor. If you value your right to live according to your religious/moral beliefs, you must contact your state senator immediately* and make it clear that you expect protection of your religious liberty and a “NO” vote on 2148. We will keep you informed of this bill’s progress.


HB 2451/SB 6449 An act relating to restricting the practice of sexual orientation change efforts.

CWA opposes both of these bills.

These bills would basically ban all counseling for minors with regard to “sexual orientation change efforts”. This is a threat to the family, to parental rights and to our freedom to live according to our religious principles. It is a very dangerous challenge to religious liberty yet too few legislators recognize or acknowledge that fact. We must contact our own legislators as well as members of the Senate Committee on Health Care: Becker, Dammeier, Keiser, Bailey, Cleveland, Ericksen, Frockt, Parlette and the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness: Cody, Riccelli, Schmick, Harris, Clibborn, DeBolt, Green, Jinkins, Manweller, Moeller, Morrell, Rodne, Ross, Short, Tharinger, VanDeWege.**


HB 2133 An act relating to maintaining privacy of student educational records.

CWA supports this bill. This is an education issue as well as a matter of family rights to protect the private data of our children. With the growing disregard for privacy rights, this bill would set up a review committee to analyze and report on the abuse of those rights. Parental consent should be necessary for the dissemination or sharing of all personally identifiable student data.

This bill is moving, but needs your support.

HB 2174 An act relating to recognizing that the right of a parent to make decisions regarding the care, custody, supervision and administration of his or her child is a fundmental right.

This bill very simply protects the fundamental parental right to make decisions for their children.

CWA of Washington supports both of these bills. With deadlines looming in this short session, it is imperative that you contact your representatives with your support of both of these bills in order to move them through the process toward a vote.

Pray, educate yourself and others and then take action by contacting our legislators!

*Legislative Hotline: 1-800-562-6000 Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

**Details on the progress of these bills or contact information for legislators can be found at the following website: http://www.leg.wa.gov/pages/home.aspx

Still standing fast,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072

Attached: Membership form, EAL sign-up sheet