Era Dies Another Death In The Illinois House As They Adjourn For The Session

By December 9, 2014Illinois

HJRCA 7, Equal Rights Amendment is effectively dead!

The Illinois House adjourned sine die and will reconvene on the opening day of the 2015 Legislative session on January 14. This means ERA has been turned back 14 times in Illinois and is effectively dead.

The Equal Rights Amendment will have to start over from square one in the next legislative session. Thank you for voicing your opposition to ERA.

Praise & Prayer:
• Praise and gratitude that The Equal Rights Amendment was turned back in the Illinois House.
• Wisdom and knowledge for Governor-elect Bruce Rauner, members of the Illinois General Assembly, and elected officials on all levels of government.

Action: The 2015 “Encourage-A-Legislator” Program will be launched on January 15, 2015. Contact me if you would like to be part of this initiative. The Illinois General Assembly will receive semimonthly CWA encouragement postcards which include a Scripture, historical quote, and prayer. County Board members throughout Illinois will receive prayers of encouragement via e-mail.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke