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By April 5, 2013North Carolina

Spring is a glorious season of new beginnings! At Concerned Women for America of North Carolina, we look to spring as a time for Encourage-A-Legislator. As the state director, I understand that prayer must be our number one priority. We must be willing to spend time on our knees before running out the door. So often we get caught up in the many issues that come before the state legislature. According to 1 Timothy 2:1-2, we are instructed, first thing, to pray for our leaders. “I urge, then first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

Our 10th Annual Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) project offers CWA of North Carolina members and supporters the vehicle to do just that in an easy and meaningful way. The purpose of the EAL program is to encourage an assigned state legislator by praying for him/her on a regular basis and sending a postcard every month through the legislative session. The EAL project is never used to lobby. Rather, our goal is to cover in prayer all those “in authority” in North Carolina’s 180-member General Assembly, Council of State, the Lt. Governor and Governor, and encourage them in their public service responsibilities. Contact us today to participate in the Encourage-A-Legislator project, and to receive three postcards to mail to an assigned legislator.

Now more than ever our leaders need our prayers and encouragement. Please join us as we keep first things first. “When My people called by My name humble themselves and pray ” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Click here for more information about our Encourage-A-Legislator project as well as our Day at the Capital event on June 5.

Sheri Miller
State Director
CWA of North Carolina
P.O. Box 472903
Charlotte, NC 28247