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2013 Legislative Session Wrap Up: Common Core, Freedom and Gambling

By April 4, 2013Education, Georgia
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The fast-paced 2013 Georgia legislative session came to a close on March 28. The 40-day session opened on January 14, and State Director Tanya Ditty represented your interests as a volunteer lobbyist with a physical presence at the State Capitol 35 of the 40 days.

Concerned Women for America’s targeted issues are: Sanctity of Life, Religious Liberty, Family, Anti-Pornography, Education, and National Sovereignty. Legislation this session encompassed several of these core issues. On-the-ground lobbying efforts combined with grassroots prayer and action gets results! Without calls and e-mails from CWA members and friends, successes would have been more difficult to achieve.

Click here to read the legislative update.