NEW! Daily Fantasy Sports Bill Just One Vote Away From Passing

By March 27, 2017Georgia

Updated March 27, 2017

Two days remain in Georgia’s legislative session; just two days left to defeat HB 118, the Daily Fantasy Sports bill.  Touted as a “consumer protection bill,” HB 118 is nothing more than a means to legitimize the newest form of online gambling – Daily Fantasy Sports.  Click here for CWA of Georgia’s DFS talking points.

HB 118 will be voted on by the full Senate either Tuesday or Thursday of this week (March 28 or 30).   Will you stop right now and make one call to your state senator and urge him/her to vote “NO” on HB 118 when it comes to the floor for a vote. Click here to locate your state senator.  Leave a message after hours if that is more convenient for you.  Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Georgia.

Your call will make a difference.  Your prayer can change the heart of your state senator.

Background on bill:
HB 118, the Fantasy Contests Act, is sponsored by State Representative Trey Kelley (R-Cedartown) and seeks to regulate and legalize paid-entry fantasy sports.

Daily Fantasy Sports is gambling. Supporters of the bill claim that Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) is not gambling – that it is a game of skill, much like entering golf or fishing tournaments (tournaments where you are normally betting on yourself).  The problem with their argument is that those who play DFS are betting on a player or players whom they do not control.  They cannot control injuries, coaching decisions, weather, and other similar circumstances. The bottom line with DFS – you cannot control the outcome.

When a similar bill was introduced last year, then State Attorney General Sam Olens was asked by the Georgia Lottery Commission to weigh in on whether fantasy sports games were illegal under Georgia law – whether they are games of chance or skill. According to a letter from Wright Banks Jr., Deputy Attorney General, to the Lottery Commission, “fantasy sports constitutes illegal gambling and are not allowed under Georgia law.”

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Georgia opposes HB 118 because if passed, the state legislature will rubber stamp America’s newest form of predatory gambling, Daily Fantasy Sports.  Click here for CWA of Georgia’s DFS talking points.

Pray that the hearts of the representatives be softened toward righteousness and that they seek God’s wisdom and guidance on the issues that greatly impact Georgians and their families.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and action.  They make all the difference.

Educate yourself on DFS: