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CWALAC Endorses Dr. Tony Campbell for U.S. Senate for Maryland

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Washington D.C. – Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization, has endorsed Dr. Tony Campbell for U.S. Senate of Maryland.

Penny Nance, CEO and President, said,

“Concerned Women for America LAC is pleased to endorse Dr. Tony Campbell to represent the citizens of Maryland in the U.S. Senate.  Dr.  Campbell is an inspiring educator and community leader who served our nation honorably as a chaplain in the United States Army.   American families are looking for leaders like Dr. Campbell who care deeply about future generations and are committed to tackling the tough issues in Congress with hard work, courage and integrity.

“Our members are proud to stand with Dr. Tony Campbell in this election, confident that he will stand up for women across Maryland and the nation who are passionate about protecting life, religious freedom, and our national security.”