Updated 3-17-18: Stay Informed: CWA of Georgia Capitol Watch

By March 17, 2018Georgia


Read our 2017-2018 – Targeted Legislation List (updated 3-17-18)

The Georgia General Assembly convenes on Monday, January 8, and will run 40 days. Religious freedom, predatory gambling, marijuana cultivation, and LGBT special rights are among the issues we will be monitoring in the 2018 session. This is the second year of the 2017-2018 legislative cycle, so any bill introduced during the last session is still active until the end of this year.

You can depend on CWA of Georgia to actively represent you at the State Capitol in Atlanta. We have made it easy for you to track the progress of bills involving our 2018 legislative priorities that are aligned to CWA’s seven core issues. The targeted bill list and legislative scorecard will be updated regularly to include action items, links to committee and floor votes, and talking points to help you lobby from your kitchen table or laptop! In addition, we will provide specific ways to pray for pending legislation.

Helpful resources: