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CWA to Host Morning Coffee Talk in Pinellas Park, Florida

By September 27, 2022Florida
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Do you or someone you know live in the Tampa, Pinellas Park area? If so, I invite you to join me for coffee and conversation on Saturday, October 22!

Gloria Savalli of Pinellas Park will be hosting a Morning Coffee Talk, and I will be speaking about the hard issues that impact our nation, state, and communities and proactive ways to engage from a Biblical perspective.

God has been stirring believers to pray and get informed about the issues affecting life, faith, and family. Learn how to use your voice to influence policy.

Here are the details:

Date: Saturday, October 22

Time: 10:30 -11:30 a.m.

RSVP me at with your name and how many will be attending. Directions to the Coffee Talk after RSVPing.

Mark your calendar, make plans to attend, and be sure to invite some friends!

If you do not live in the Pinellas Park area, would like to host a Coffee Talk in your area, and/or would like more information about CWA of Florida, contact me! I’m happy to let you know of the many opportunities for involvement in our great state.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Ruth Smith
State Director