CWA of Washington March 14 Action Alert – “Faith without works is dead”

By April 14, 2016Washington

Dear CWA friend,

The scripture quoted above (James 2:22) refers to the fact that, by faith, Abraham was willing to offer his son Isaac on the altar, trusting and obeying God.  That kind of faith and obedience is what we are called to as we stand in the gap before God on behalf of the land, so that He will not destroy it (Ezekiel 22:30).  God found no one to stand with Him.  Are you standing with your spiritual armor on?  Our nation needs a spiritual awakening and revival, and across America people are praying for that.  Please join CWA as we join those prayers through our local Prayer/Action Chapters and Home Teams.  Please check our state website for locations and consider starting your own if there is not a chapter or team in your community.  Just two hours per month will join all the other hours of prayer and prayer does make a difference!  At those chapter meetings, you can achieve all three of CWA’s goals:  Prayer, Education, and Action.  Leadership application is attached.  Click here to view and print application.

URGENT PRAYER NEED:  You will likely remember the Stormans’ pharmacy case.  Inside their grocery store in Olympia, they have a family-owned pharmacy.  More than ten years ago, they were targeted for harassment by pro-abortion activists.  When they refused to purchase, stock or distribute Plan B abortifacient, they were threatened, boycotted and picketed, only to have the governor pressure the Washington State Board of Pharmacy’s members to further punish the Stormans.  Because our First Amendment declares religious liberty and the free exercise thereof, the Stormans sued the state; they asked the courts to rule in righteousness according to the First Amendment Freedom of Conscience and Religion.  They won in a federal district court, then that decision was reversed by the Ninth Circuit Court.  This coming Friday, April 15, their case will have the first reading by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) which will decide whether or not to hear their case.

Please be in prayer for the Stormans family, as well as their attorney, Kristen Waggoner, that justice will be served and their case will become a standard bearer for religious liberty for medical professionals, as well as for business owners and all American citizens.

Remember:  Pray, Be Informed, and Take Action!

Thank you for standing with CWA of Washington by putting your faith into action!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P. O. Box 143 Woodinville, WA 98072

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