CWA of Washington March 11 Action Alert – Do Business Until I Come!

By March 11, 2016Washington

Dear Concerned Women for America of Washington Member,

How is the morality of a nation determined?  By the president/king/queen?  By the courts?  By the legislative bodies?  By “political correctness”?  By the people?  God’s Word tells us He sought for a man “who would make a wall and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land” (Ezekiel 22:30) lest He destroy it.  II Chronicles 7:14 is a well-known verse about this same issue: “… if my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

CWA’s goal is to protect the family through prayer and action.  We have Prayer/Action Chapters around the state with a three-fold purpose:  Be informed, pray about the issues, and act on those issues.   If there is not a Chapter in your community ( would you prayerfully consider starting one?  Meeting monthly or more often if you choose, you will experience the fellowship of like-minded citizens and share your commitment to pray for our nation and our state about issues related to our seven core issues.  Click here to view and print application.  Contact the state office for more information at 425-869-1923 or

Here are some good words from CWA CEO and President Penny Nance (3/5/2016):  “During this time in our country’s history – with the cultural battle raging around us – it’s never been more important that the voice of conservative women be heard – loud and clear.”

That’s the heart of CWA:  To be the voice and face of Christian women and like-minded men in the United States who want to reverse the decline of moral values in our nation and see a revival of our Biblical foundations.   Psalm12:3 reminds us, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”  We can pray starting today that the foundations of our nation will not be destroyed by joining with others to educate ourselves, pray and take appropriate action.  I have attached a Leadership Application for your convenience.

CWA Legal Counsel Mario Diaz has written an article on Justice Scalia’s importance to our nation’s foundations, “Justice Scalia’s Death is ‘A Threat to American Democracy’”.  CWA’s national staff has written a petition regarding Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement on the U. S. Supreme Court.  Click here to access and fill out the petition.


The last day of the scheduled 2016 Washington State Legislative session was March 10.

In spite of the fact that several brave legislators wrote bills to protect our privacy, safeguard public safety, restrict abortion through parental notification and a ban on sex-selection abortions, etc., the 2016 Legislature failed to seriously address social issues of great concern to the citizenry.


Day of Silence Walkout: This annual event is meant to stop the silencing of homosexual activists in our public schools.  Have you noticed homosexual silence?  If you are concerned, please consider letting your kids stay home on April 15 rather than have them endure more homosexual indoctrination.  In addition, check with your school’s administration to determine whether or not they support this interruption of your child’s school day.  Click here for more information on the Day of Silence Walkout.

Voters’ Registration in Your Church: If Christians don’t vote, our opposition chooses our rulers and the authorities for whom we are exhorted to pray (1Timothy 2:1-3).  It is a right and responsibility to vote in our democratic republic.  If we don’t take that right and responsibility seriously and vote for candidates of godly character, how dare we complain?  Psalm 29:2 states:  “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”

In a letter to James Warren, John Adams expounded:  “(This) Form of Government … is productive of every Thing which is great and excellent among Men.  But its Principles are as easily destroyed, as human nature is corrupted … A Government is only to be supported by pure Religion or Austere Morals.  Private, and public Virtue is the only Foundation of Republics.”  And Adams was clear about which Religion provided such morals:  “The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount contain my religion …” (letter to Thomas Jefferson, dated 11/4/1816).  (Reference “John Adams” in William J. Federer’s America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, 2000).

Prayerfully consider setting up a voters’ registration table in your church foyer.  Voter registration is non-partisan and, therefore, a legal activity within your church.

Prayer, education, and action: The three pillars of CWA’s quest to protect our families.  Will you actively join us by participating or forming a Prayer/Action Chapter or Home Team?  Contact the state office for more details at 425-869-1923 or

May God bless us, every one, as we stand in the gap and do business until our Lord’s return!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072

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