CWA of Washington June 17 Action Alert – Faith and Family

By June 17, 2016Washington

Dear CWA of Washington Members and Friends,

Greetings once again from the state office!  We appreciate your support and involvement in CWA, whether as a prayer warrior, leader or member.  It takes all of us to continue to protect our families through prayer and action and to remind our fellow citizens of the importance of our religious heritage through God’s Holy Word.  God created the family to love and support one another.  As our Heavenly Father, He showed His love for us by sending His only begotten Son to die for us, that we may live eternally with Him.  Through Biblical faith and family, our nation has served as a light on the hill.  Let us not allow that light to be extinguished.  It is our choice to live as free men under God’s rule or to succumb to man’s tyranny.  Which choice do you make?


CWA’s national office is requesting that we take action to stop the proposed draft registration for our daughters and granddaughters.  Basically, we’re saying to the government:  “Keep your hands off our daughters!”  Click here to join this movement.

CWA of Washington has joined the fight to protect our privacy and safety in restrooms and locker rooms.  Please sign Initiative 1515 and collect as many signatures as possible.  Click here for the petition, to find a distribution center near you and more.  Be sure to mail in your initiatives by July 1 in order for them to be counted and delivered to Olympia on time.  Then pray that we will collect enough signatures to put this issue on the November ballot.

CWA national has composed a letter to protest President Obama’s threat to remove federal funding from schools and districts that refuse to allow the invasion of our children’s bathrooms and locker rooms.  Our concern is not the tiny percentage of transgendered individuals, but those who are already using this policy to take advantage of their unquestionable entrance into opposite-sex areas.  A quick web search reveals a growing number of those cases appearing across the nation, putting women and girls in particular at risk.  Click here for the letter.  Please personalize the letter and mail it to both Washington State’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, Randy Dorn, and your local public school district’s Superintendent.  Dorn’s address:

Randy Dorn

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Mail stop: 47200
Old Capitol Building
P.O. Box 47200
Olympia, WA 98504-7200

Please share this information and letter with every parent, grandparent and others.  This is an outrage!  It is an egregious attack on parental rights, family values and our reasonable expectation of personal safety and privacy.  Randy Dorn and local public school districts’ superintendents need to hear our message loud and clear.


 Strong Families, Strong Faith, hosted by CWA of Washington, will be held in Spokane on July 22.  This is a regional meeting for CWA members and friends.  Postcards will be in the mail soon.  If you, or a concerned friend, wish to attend, you may register with the state office by e-mailing us at  This is a no-cost meeting intended to educate and encourage our members and friends.  Speakers will include Research Mom and a state representative.  Please mark your calendar, watch for your invitation, and invite a friend!  If you do not receive a postcard by the end of June, please contact the state office using the contact information below.

Decision America Tour 2016 hosted by Franklin Graham will be held in Olympia at our state capitol on June 29.  Graham is visiting each state capital throughout the nation.  More than 100,000 people have participated so far with 28 states to go.  Please take a carload of prayer warriors to join in this massive prayer rally.  Click here for more information.

FAITH, FAMILY & FREDOM.  Exercise your rights and join CWA in prayer, education and action.  Remember Jesus’ words:  “If you have faith as a mustard seed …” (Matthew 17:20; Luke 17:6) and “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”  (Luke 18:8)

Haven’t renewed your membership lately?  Click here!

Interested in attending or starting a Prayer/Action Chapter in your community?  Click here!

Please share this alert with others!

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072