CWA of Washington February 11 Action Alert – Commit to the LORD Whatever You Do…

By February 11, 2016Washington

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

“Commit to the LORD whatever you do and your plans will succeed.”  Proverb 16:3

As a public policy organization, Concerned Women for America does not engage in partisan politics.  Instead, we apply Biblical principles to the public policies proposed or enacted by elected legislators, thus promoting and protecting those principles, then asking our members to commit to the Lord so that their actions will reflect God’s plan for His creation.  We ask you to pray first, educate others, and when God’s principles are attacked, to take respectful action to engage in the issues of the day.  Prayer is always our first priority because we need God’s protection and guidance or most, if not all of us, will fail to represent Him well.  Paul said it well in his letter to Timothy:  “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”  (1 Timothy 2:1-3)


Last Friday’s cut-off date for those bills CWA is following narrows our focus.

I urge you again to call, e-mail, or visit your three legislators.  This site gives you an easy way to comment on any bill, in addition to providing the bill’s text:  After you type in the bill number, that particular bill will show up and there is a “Comment on this bill” link to the right where you can easily contact your legislators.


SB 6548 relating to allowing the use of gender-segregated facilities…

CWA supports this bill.

This bill beat the 2/5 deadline and is now in the Senate Rules Committee for a second reading, waiting for step three to move it to the Senate floor for a vote. Again, you may read the bill and staff reports and also comment at this website:

Please contact your senator as soon as possible because legislation is moving quickly now.

SB 6443 relating to the human rights commission’s rule-making authority…

Concerning human rights commission rules on gender segregated facilities, this bill was moved to the Senate floor on 2/10 and failed by a 24:25 vote.  Let your voice be heard and contact your senator through the Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 or comment on the disappointing results at this website:

HB 2589 relating to allowing the use of gender-segregated facilities…

This bill did not make it out of committee by the deadline, so it is dead for this session.


NEW: SB 6612 relating to sex-selection abortions; amending RCW 9.02.110; adding a new chapter to Title 9 RCW; and prescribing penalties.

CWA supports this bill.

Preferring one sex over another for our babies is simply disregard of God’s natural order.  Given the results of China’s one-child policy and the preference for male babies, resulting in a huge imbalance of males and females and the resulting social problems, we need to affirm the natural balance of male: female and encourage people to allow that process.  It has worked well throughout human history and is verified by China’s social disaster.

This bill passed the Law & Justice Committee and is in the Senate Rules Committee for a second reading as of 2/5/16.  Please contact your legislators with your thoughtful opinions:

SB 5289 relating to requiring parental notification for abortion; adding a new section to chapter 9.02 RCW; prescribing penalties; and declaring an emergency

CWA supports this bill.

Although HB 1493 requiring parental notification didn’t meet the 2/5 deadline,  SB 5289 is in the Senate Rules Committee, so it may still move to the floor for a vote.  Please continue to pray that this bill will be passed in the Senate and move to the House for a vote.  Also, continue to contact your senators at this website:

HB 2294 relating to restricting public funds from being used for elective abortions…

This bill did not pass out of committee by last Friday, so it is dead for this session.

HB 1423 relating to female genital mutilation.

This bill was left in committee, so it is also dead.  If this issue concerns you, please educate others until we hear enough public outcry to stop this abuse of women and girls in our state.


40 DAYS OF PRAYER: February 10 – March 20, 2016

Don’t miss this opportunity to pray with other pro-life citizens in front of clinics that perform abortions.  Many such clinics have closed down and many staff members have quit their jobs because of our prayers.  This is always a peaceful demonstration of our love for the mothers and their unborn children, so participate if you are able.  If you are unable to join this campaign, please pray at home or with others in your community who believe in the sanctity of life from conception through natural death.  This website gives you locations:


Please commit your prayers and actions to the Lord.  We can encourage God-honoring public policy when we pray, get involved and stand together to protect the culture (Luke 19:13, Ezekiel 22:30).