CWA of Washington April 7 Action Alert – Stand Fast Therefore!

By April 8, 2017Washington

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

Who could have imagined that our nation and its culture would be in such an obviously downward moral spiral in 2017?  CWA was founded to counter the moral decline in our culture in 1979, which was surely a challenging time, unfortunately leading to the increasingly rapid decay of the social, moral and political climate of today.  God knew all of this was coming, of course, and His Word constantly encourages us to stand fast therefore:  “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.  Let all that you do be done with love.”  (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

Visit the national website to keep up with CWA news.


 ENCOURAGE-A-LEGISLATOR CAMPAIGN:  If you are a prayer warrior in our Encourage-A-Legislator campaign, I thank you and encourage you to keep praying and sending in those postcards through the end of this year’s scheduled session on April 23.  Our legislators need all the prayers and encouragement we can give them!

PRAY FOR THOSE BEING PERSECUTED FOR THEIR FAITH:  Please stay in prayer for these courageous Washington state Christians as they fight for our First Amendment rights to religious liberty and the free exercise thereof:  The Storman family in Olympia, Barronelle Stutzman in Richland, and Coach Joe Kennedy in Bremerton. Unfortunately, around the nation there are continuing attacks on Biblical principles and our Christian faith, whether through the media or government bureaucrats who have forgotten that they work for “We the People”.  We must stay involved through prayer and in support of our fellow believers.


 INITIATIVE 1552 Safe Spaces for Women and Children:  This state initiative repeals the “open-bathroom rule” made by the Washington State Human Rights Commission in December of 2015.  I-1552 restores the rights of business owners to maintain gender-specific facilities, and requires public schools to maintain gender-specific facilities.  The State Attorney General determines the “concise description” and, as expected, chose to put the words “gender-identity discrimination” in that description.  However, this initiative would protect the 99.6% of the population that is not confused about their sexual identity and who have the right to expect privacy and safety in traditionally gender-specific spaces including bathrooms, showers, spas and locker rooms.

In order for Washingtonians to have the right to vote on I-1552, the Secretary of State’s office requires 330,000 petition signatures by July 7.  Please join in these efforts.  Go to the Just Want Privacy website to be part of the petition drive and encourage others to do the same.  All hands on deck!


 40 DAYS FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN: This year’s 40 Days for Life campaign concludes this Sunday, April 9. CWA of Washington wholeheartedly supports the ministry of 40 Days for Life. “40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. It puts into action a desire to cooperate with God in the carrying out of His plan for the end of abortion.” Take Action:  Grab a pro-life sign and find the nearest campaign location to participate in this weekend.  This is a wonderful opportunity to support human life from conception through natural death.  For more information on 40 Days for Life and where the closest location is to you, click here.

PRAYER VIGIL FOR LIFE, BELLEVUE: A similar ongoing pro-life ministry to get involved with is Prayer Vigil for Life, Bellevue. “Our goal is to encourage peaceful prayer on the sidewalk outside the Bellevue Planned Parenthood.” Click here for more information.

PRAYER IS ACTION: CWA’s first priority is prayer.  With that in mind, I exhort you to remember Paul’s exhortation in 1 Timothy 2:1-3 to pray and intercede and give thanks for the governing authorities, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”  Consider gathering others at your church or in your neighborhood to pray with you.  James 5:16: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man (or woman!) avails much.”

START A CWA CHAPTER: If you are able, please apply to be a Prayer/Action Chapter Leader or a Home Team Captain with CWA. That way you will receive national newsletters with monthly updates for both prayer and action.  Click here to apply.

PARTNER WITH US: And remember that we are totally supported by your gifts which enable us to plan regional meetings and stay in touch with all of our state members. Click here to contribute online or fill out this form and send it in.  Make your checks payable to CWA and put CWA of Washington on the memo line.  Any amount is appreciated.

Thank you for your participation, your prayers and your membership.

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson

State Director
CWA of Washington
P.O. Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072