CWA of Virginia Launches “Students, Know Your Rights” Project to Inform Students of Their Religious Liberties

By October 13, 2015Virginia

VA 2 picWe are excited to report that just days into launching a brand new project, “Students: Know Your Rights,” churches, pastors and educators are requesting our bookmarks faster than we can print and get them out the door.

The project is simple:  Get into the hands of high schoolers a bookmark that outlines their religious liberties.  It is essential that our students are aware of their right to wear and display religious jewelry, have student lead prayer, read their Bible during free time, and more.

Will you join us as we empower our Virginia youth to exercise their religious rights in the public school system?  There are two ways you can help: 1.) Contribute towards the “Students: Know Your Rights” project.  These bookmarks are not free to produce and distribute yet for only 12 cents you can put a bookmark into a student’s hand. 2.) Ask your pastor and/or youth leader if they would like for us to send them some.

For every $12 contributed we can send a youth pastor or an educator 100 bookmarks for free.  To give a tax deductible contribution simply go to our website and click the “DONATE TO YOUR STATE” button below my picture on the left.  Be sure to put “Bookmarks” in the comment section.  Or, send a check to the address below.

If the pastor or youth leader of your church would like some bookmarks, please have them contact me with the number they would like.

The requests are pouring in!  Just yesterday a church from Richmond requested 500! Will you help?

For the youth of Virginia!

Janet Robey
State Director
P.O. Box 1465
Bedford, VA 24523