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CWA of Southern Texas February Action Breakfast

By March 13, 2013Texas
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CWA of South Texas met at a beautiful new venue at Sugar Creek Baptist Church Chapel in February and had a record turnout to hear the moving story of Aaron Vaughn, a Navy Seal Team VI member who died 18 months ago in Afghanistan. The presentation was given by his heartbroken parents Karen and Billy Vaughn, who related the story of deception, poor planning and bad policies that led to the unnecessary death of their beloved son, a husband and the father of two small children. Click here to read more about this tragic occurrence.


Our President, in an effort to delegitimize the war on terror, is framing the Jihadists as Freedom Fighters and trying to negotiate with their leaders even as our brave service people are being wounded and killed at much higher rates than under the Bush administration. The “Rules of Engagement” that bind the American fighters leave them vulnerable to the enemy’s overt strategies to destroy them completely.


Beverly Roberts with Karen and Billy Vaughn

As always at our breakfast, we completed an “action item” that related to the subject presented by the speakers. We mailed 43 postcards to six of our Congressmen, asking them to rescind the order by outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to put women on the front lines of battle. This poorly examined situation will lead to the reduction in unit readiness to prepare our troops for battle and will destroy the camaraderie that characterizes the small fighting units on the battlefield. Click here to print and send your postcard.

CWA of South Texas meets quarterly to present programs relating to at least one of our six core issues. We serve breakfast, present the program, do the action item and offer brochures and other items to keep our members informed on what is happening in CWA across the nation. To lighten the mood we also have drawings for various fun or informative items donated by our local Steering Committee members.

In April we will hear from members of the Texas Legislature who will give us updates on the bills in Austin that we are following. We hope to have another large turnout to keep our people well informed on the issues of importance to all Texans. Watch for more information to come.

Beverly Roberts
Area Director
CWA of South Texas