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CWA of North Carolina Attend Gala and Leadership Training

By October 1, 2019North Carolina
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I wanted to share with you about our recent Concerned Women for America 40th Anniversary Gala and Leadership Training in Washington, D.C. We gathered from all over the nation to:

  • Lobby our senators on two federal issues: The Equality Act (encouraging them to vote against it) and the Equal Campus Access Act that we favor.
  • Attend the elegant evening gala at the Trump International Hotel. There were over 500 in attendance to hear Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Founder and Chairman Dr. Beverly LaHaye, and President and CEO Penny Nance. President Donald Trump sent complimentary greetings by video.
  • Attend the Friday luncheon featuring Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
  • Attend CWA leadership training.
  • Visit the beautiful new CWA headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia, and enjoy a time of worship and fellowship.

(Click on the links above to listen to speakers’ remarks.)

Concerned Women for America is the largest public policy women’s organization in the nation with hundreds of thousands of members across the country and hundreds of Prayer/Action Chapters nationwide. Maintaining a strong organization and adhering to our mission for 40 years is a remarkable accomplishment. CWA’s longevity in the public policy arena is not the results based on human strength and ingenuity – it’s the result of CWA’s persistent prayer coordinated with taking action on issues that has resulted in the Lord blessing our efforts.

A summary of our history is available hereWatch One American News’ (OAN) interview with Dr. Beverly LaHaye and Penny Nance regarding the origin of our organization and the issues we face today.

Jill Coward
State Director
CWA of North Carolina