CWA of Missouri Ramps It Up Against Planned Parenthood

By December 13, 2016Missouri

kmbc-9-planned-parenthood“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret.” (Ephesians 5:11, 12)

Five simultaneous press conferences were held yesterday outside the Kansas City, St. Louis, Columbia, Springfield, and Joplin Planned Parenthood sites by Missouri citizens and pro-women leaders.

Concerned Women for America of Missouri Greater Kansas City Area Director Jill Noble was present at the Kansas City press conference. She was interviewed by KMBC News 9.  “We fight for the right of every human being, including the life of the unborn. Planned Parenthood claims to exist solely for the good of women’s health. Yet they are suing to avoid compliance with basic surgical standards! How can that be good for women’s health? Clearly, it isn’t if 63 ambulance calls are made to a single facility.” Click here to view coverage.

The press conference was called to blow the whistle regarding the following:

  • To publicize how Planned Parenthood affiliates filed a federal lawsuit on November 23 in a shocking attempt to nullify vitally important, very basic laws put in place by Missouri lawmakers to protect women’s safety and health. This action is another demonstration of Planned Parenthood’s staggering disregard for the health and wellbeing of Missouri’s women. Planned Parenthood’s desire to dodge basic safety practices which are being followed by every other surgical center in Missouri is startling and egregious, particularly in light of the fact that in July 2016 several Missouri state senators issued an explosive “whistleblower” report after investigating Missouri Planned Parenthood locations, using Planned Parenthood’s own internal documents to cite shocking indifference to women’s health, likely constituting medical malpractice.
  • To expose the unsafe conditions within Planned Parenthood facilities around the state therefore sounding the alarm to women urging extreme caution concerning Missouri Planned Parenthood facilities. It has been uncovered that 911 calls have summoned emergency ambulances to a single Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Missouri 63 times since 2009, averaging one 911 call and ambulance response every 42 days.
  • To demand a vigorous defense by state Attorney General Chris Koster against this willfully irresponsible suit, and that he demand an immediate revocation of the license for the abortion clinic at the St. Louis site while a thorough investigation of the 63 ambulance visits to Planned Parenthood is conducted by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

 Recently, two Planned Parenthood locations in Missouri were refused a new surgical license due to their inability to comply with the basic safety standards that all other surgical centers maintain throughout Missouri.  We celebrate this decision by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

Please Pray: Pray that the things done in darkness by Planned Parenthood throughout our great state will continue to be exposed.   Pray that our efforts will be effective in bringing attention to the grievous actions of Planned Parenthood and ultimately, pray that lives will be saved.

 Please Take Action:

  • Contact Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster and demand a vigorous defense against this willfully irresponsible suit, and ask that he demand an immediate revocation of the license for the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic at the St. Louis site while a thorough investigation of the 63 ambulance visits to Planned Parenthood is conducted by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.
  • Contact the following state senators that issued the “whistleblower” report last July and encourage them to continue working for the safety of women and babies. Click on their name to e-mail each one: Ron Richard (R-District 32), Sen. Kurt Schaefer (R-District 19), Sen. Jeanie Riddle (R-District 10), Sen. Will Kraus (R-District 8), Sen. Mike Kehoe (R-District 6), Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-District 15), Sen. Bob Onder, M.D. (R-District 2) and Sen. David Sater (R-District 29). Whether you are from their district or not, they need to know that the stand they have taken is supported and appreciated.

Thank you in advance for both your prayers and actions concerning the health of women and the lives of the unborn in Missouri.  Your involvement is vital.

For health and life!

Bev Ehlen
State Director