CWA of Missouri Commended for Great Common Core Meetings

By May 27, 2014Missouri


Yes you did do it again…you hit another one out of the ball park with your
presentation to us Thursday night in Sedalia. This is the fourth two-hour
session I have attended that the CWA has presented. Amazingly none have ever
been the same. The Common Core subject is fluid and ever changing. And you
guys stay with it and update those changes at your meetings. I attended my
first one late last summer when Stacy Shore held the initial meeting in Sedalia.
Fortunately Rep. Dean Dohrman and Rep. Stan Cox also attended. It was our first
exposure to Common Core. During the winter, I had Stacy make a shortened
version at one of our Pachyderm meetings in Sedalia. I attended the one you
hosted in Sweet Springs at the American Legion and the two you’ve done in
Sedalia. I can’t thank you guys enough for standing up for the concept of
traditional education practices. Your group made big strides with the Missouri
legislature this year. Hopefully it will carry through with future sessions in
Jefferson City.

Again thanks for all your hard work.

Vaughn Hart