CWA of Missouri Capitol Report

By March 23, 2015Missouri

March 23, 2015

Please take a few minutes to both pray and take action on these important issues. Then, forward this e-mail on to like-minded friends, family, churches and associates.

Last Week in Review

Monday, March 16

Monday was CWA of Missouri’s day for 40 Days for Life. Gina Allen, our Pro-Life Coordinator, did an excellent job lining up CWA members and friends of CWA of MO to take a shift standing, praying and ministering in front of Planned Parenthood in St. Louis. We were blessed to have a sunny and mostly warm day! Check out our Facebook page (Concerned Women for America of Missouri) for pictures of many of our volunteers.


Lora Tipton and Jennifer Baur (Members of the Jefferson City Prayer/Action Chapter) attended the House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee meeting at the Capitol. We had heard that HB1023 sponsored by Kathryn Swan (R-147) was a “local control bill.” That got our interest. The mess with Common Core and Federal (and State) interference with the local school district has made it evident that we need to return to local control and that should be our goal. It was voted out of committee and on to the Select Committee on Education on Wednesday, March 18. HB1023 is on our “watch list.” CWA of Missouri has not taken a position on HB1023.

Tuesday, March 17

Show Me Your Glory

There was prayer walking inside and outside the Capitol, a praise and worship service and then the program at noon called Show Me Your Glory. Lynne Jackson, President and Founder of Dred Scott Heritage Foundation was the keynote speaker. She shared some of the GOOD things, the spiritual things that have been happening behind the scenes regarding the death of Michael Brown. Several members of the Missouri General Assembly were asked to say a few words-Rep. Sheila Solon, Rep. Diane Franklin, Rep. Travis Fitzwater and Sen. Wayne Wallingford. Sen. Wallingford’s prayer was very special and profound and hit the nail on the head. It is His people that need to ask for forgiveness, not those who are without Him. We are so grateful that we can have these types of services in our State Capitol.

Wednesday, March 18

The Truth Project

Missouri Alliance for Freedom (MAF) and CWA of Missouri have teamed up to sponsor breakfast and the showing of the weekly DVD study The Truth Project. The Truth Project is a twelve-subject world view study and is held on Wednesday mornings at 7:00 a.m. in Hearing Room 4. Our topic was History: Whose Story? The next time we meet (April 1) our lesson will be Sociology: The Divine Imprint.

Take Action: If you live close to the Capitol, make plans now to attend and bring a friend. Contact your state representative and state senator and encourage them and members of their staff to attend The Truth Project on Wednesday mornings. Click hereto find out who your state representative and state senator are as well as their contact information.

State Legislative Liaisons Sherry Kuttenkuler and Linda Laird, as well as Bev Ehlen, were kept plenty busy the rest of the day. They attended hearings and had meetings with individual representatives on some tough issues.


Prayer/Action Chapter Leader Deanna Sporleder came to the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon. She was able to share her story with several members of the Missouri General Assembly of how a school district can be an enemy of parental rights and through programs/grants/positions can destroy an intact family. We are hoping that we can team up with our MOGA to address this practice. Sherry also met with a few of the ladies in the new Prayer/Action Chapter in Jefferson City.

Bev attended the Senate Education Committee meeting. A parental rights in education amendment, SJR12, sponsored by Sen. Bob Onder (R-02) which proposes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing parents the fundamental right to control the education of their minor children was heard. CWA of Missouri has not yet taken a position on SJR12.

Also, there was an executive session, and the committee voted “do pass” on HB42as sponsored by Rep. David Wood (R-48). The fiscal note on this bill which is being touted as the “transfer bill” will cost the state over $13.5 million in 2016, over $12.7 million and over $12.8 million in 2018 and not one teacher is added to a classroom. It mainly is for the 24 full-time DESE employees that will be needed for the new accountability system that goes from accrediting 519 entities to 2,698 entities. CWA of Missouri opposes HB42.

Action Item: Please contact your state senator and ask him/her to oppose HB42. Click here to find out who your state senator is as well as their contact information.

Bev also attended the House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee meeting. HB1023 was voted “do pass” in executive session and sent to the Select Committee on Education. This bill is moving really quickly. We don’t see that it does anything for the local school district, parents and local community. It just adds more reporting for the local school district even though that report must be approved by the school district’s Board of Education. We suppose that it where the “local control” comes in. Again, CWA of Missouri has not taken a position on HB1023.

The committee also voted “do pass” on two bills that would limit the terms served on the State School Board. Right now there is no limit to the number of eight-year terms individuals can serve on the State School Board. HB1110 sponsored by Rep. Dean Dohrman (R-051) would limit the member from serving more than one eight-year term. HB383 sponsored by Rep. Genise Monticello (D-092) would limit an individual from serving more than two eight-year terms. CWA of Missouri hasn’t taken a position on either one of these bills but is leaning toward supporting them since the members of the Missouri General Assembly are limited to eight years in each the House and the Senate; it only seems fair that the members of the State School Board who are appointed by the Governor would be limited. But are we looking for “fairness”?

Stopping Common Core State Standards Initiative: HB1089 sponsored by Rep. Mike Moon (R-157) prohibits the state board of education and DESE from adopting and implementing certain academic content standards. HB1089 will prohibit the Common Core State Standards Initiative from continuing in Missouri. It also prohibits the state from using the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC). CWA of Missouri supports HB1089.

Action item: Contact Speaker John Diehl (R- 89) and ask him to please assign HB1089 to the Emerging Issues in Education Committee right away.

This Week’s Activities

The Missouri General Assembly is on Spring Break.

CWA of Missouri is conducting the remainder of the Liberty First 2015 Tour stops featuring KrisAnne Hall in St. Peters, Ellisville, Hannibal, Columbia, Sedalia, Harrisonville, Independence and St. Jospeh.

Action Item: We urge our members and friends who live within thirty minutes of each seminar to make plans to attend and then contact their state representative and state senator and ask them to attend the three-hour seminar. This seminar will be very helpful to those state and local office holders in understanding the history of our republic and their role as a public office holder. Click here to find out who your state representative and state senators are as well as their contact information.

Partner with Us

We ask for your prayers, financial support and participation. We are an all-volunteer organization. Each of the ladies travel to the Capitol, pay for gas for their cars and overnight stays, food away from home, etc. It would be great to have some individuals step up and “Sponsor a Legislative Liaison.” This money could go directly to reimburse a Legislative Liaison for some of her expenses. Think about it, pray about it and contact us should the Lord move you to “Sponsor a Legislative Liaison.”