CWA of Illinois Among 13 Pro-Life Organizations Confronting Senator Kirk

By October 27, 2015Illinois

Planned Parenthood Press ConferencePicture posted with permission from Illinois Family Institute

A group comprised of 13 Pro-Life Organizations called on U.S. Senator Mark Kirk to vote to end taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood Federation of America on Thursday, September 7, 2015.  Their demands were met with resistance from the senator’s office.

“Senator Kirk believes that access to contraception means fewer unwanted pregnancies and fewer abortions,” spokesperson Britt Logan told Illinois Review Thursday afternoon.

Excerpt of prepared statements given by Debbie Leininger, State Director – CWA of Illinois:

  • President Ronald Reagan, one of Illinois’ favorite sons, was not afraid to stand for the value of life when he said, “We have the duty to protect the life of the unborn child.”
  • Senator Kirk, we call upon you to rethink your position on killing babies for profit and do the right thing. When you get back to Washington this month, please, please, please support the immediate withdrawal of every taxpayer funded dollar that has been allocated to Planned Parenthood.
  • Senator Kirk, the least you can do is vote YES on The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. More than 18,000 late-term babies are tortured to death without anesthesia in America every year!  Let me repeat: More than 18,000 late-term babies are tortured to death without anesthesia in America every year!
  • We are one of seven nations that still allows this to happen. How can God bless America when we are torturing and killing His creation?
  • Senator Kirk, YOU know right from wrong and murdering unborn babies and born alive babies is just plain wrong. Do the right thing. You yourself were given a second chance at life. Little babies deserve a first chance at life.

Read WROK Newstalk 1440’s report on the press conference, Pro-Life Activists Slam Kirk Vote on Planned Parenthood.