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CWA of Florida Gathers Petitions in Oppositions to Planned Parenthood’s Brutality – Join Them!

By July 23, 2015Florida
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Stop Funding Those Who Sell Baby Body Parts
Planned Parenthood EXPOSED for Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies!

It was already bad enough that we taxpayers were providing half a billion dollars to Planned Parenthood, America’s foremost abortionist organization. But now a Planned Parenthood senior employees have been caught on video blithely discussing the organization’s deliberate harvesting of babies’ body parts during abortions.

This is unconscionable. U.S. government funding of Planned Parenthood must STOP. NOW.

Planned Parenthood actually attempts to deliver intact human organs according to market demand: “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver,” the director says on one of the widely distributed videotapes.

View video1.
View video 2.

Because of demand for these organs, a Planned Parenthood abortionist will specifically decide where to use the deadly instruments on the baby’s body: “I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” the director says.

No wonder Planned Parenthood is in favor of partial-birth abortion — They not only reap $500 million from your and my tax dollars, the fee for the abortion itself; but they also profit from the illegal sale of the resulting body parts!

This is an outrage. It must be halted.

Signatures needed!

Please print the petition, distribute and gather signatures. Once the sheet is full either copy and send to each of the Florida members of congress, scan and e-mail to us, or, send a copy to us and we will be sure each Florida member of congress gets a copy.  Call 407-697-5929 for address to send it to.

If time does not permit you to gather signatures please sign and submit the electronic version.

Thank you in advance for your participation.