CWA Resources

We Must Reject Critical Race Theory
CRT Talking Points
Why Christians Should Reject Critical Race Theory
Webinar: Lobbying The Education Bureaucracy

CRT State Efforts

CWA leaders around the country are mobilizing to sound the alarm against this not-so-subtle form of secular humanism that rejects the Scriptural account of the Imago Dei— which affirms that we all have intrinsic value, regardless of the color of our skin, having been created in the very image of God.
Some states are leading the charge passing laws to ban the teaching of the racist theories embedded in CRT in public schools. These are the states that have passed legislation on the topic and others that have introduced legislation for consideration.
Review the ongoing state efforts below the map to see what is happening in your state on the CRT. Click here to let us know of updates or ongoing efforts in your state. To get involved with CWA and help with the ongoing efforts in your state, click here.

States with Enacted Legislation


Join Us At A CWA of Missouri Event

(Descriptions of the events are located at the bottom.) Critical Race Theory Exposed with Dr. Mary Byrne  Date: 6:00 p.m., Thursday, August 19 Location: The Elks Lodge No. 919, 1705

Critical Race Theory Exposed Events in Missouri

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri has scheduled Critical Race Theory Exposed (CRT) events in Missouri. The CRT event is an important educational presentation presented by Mary Bryne, Ed.D.

Texans: Calls Needed on Critical Race Theory

Is it OK with you that Critical Race Theory is being taught to our children? Legislation currently filed in the Texas House of Representatives and the Texas Senate addresses the

Stop Racist Critical Race Theory in Maine

Radical liberal elitists have been hard at work co-opting local school boards and departments of education for years in order to spread their ideology. But parents and concerned citizens are