Cookie Drop at the State Capitol in Richmond

By February 4, 2013Virginia

Cookie Drop in at the State Capitol in Richmond

On January 29, 2013, as part of the Encourage-A-Legislator program, Concerned Women for America of Virginia members, along with two young men and two interns from Family Foundation, made the annual trek to Richmond to show our delegates and state senators our appreciation for their hard work and dedication to the Commonwealth of Virginia. The trip and project were a great success!

We had over 180 dozen cookies baked which translated into 157 boxes of cookies. We gave each of the delegates and state senators a box, as well as the guards at the Guard House and gravel lot, the mail room, the pages’ offices and Family Foundation.

Although we were not able to see the legislators personally, we were able to talk with many of the legislative aides and were assured by many that they have been receiving our Encourage-A-Legislator postcards.

The trip to Richmond had its challenges, but God is so good. We were well received by ALL, and they really appreciated the cookies. We were also a testimony to others at the Capital who were there lobbying. We heard comments like, “Oh, you are the cookie people.” So, others have noticed our good deeds not that we were there for recognition to the contrary; our only goal was to be a blessing to others, and in that we were a success.

God bless, and keep up the good work.

Janet Stasulli
Encourage-A-Legislator Coordinator