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Conversion Therapy Bill DEAD

By July 10, 2018Maine
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Praise!  Maine House Upheld Governor LePage’s Veto of L.D. 912

L.D. 912 is Rep. Ryan Fecteau’s (D-Biddeford) bill silencing parents and counselors from helping our young people under the age of 18 with unwanted homosexual tendencies.  It was child abuse and wrongheaded from the start, but somehow passed in the Legislature, only to be rejected by the governor’s veto.  Thankfully, the House of Representatives sustained the veto by 15 votes Monday.  The Legislature came back into session yesterday to act on the bills the governor vetoed and other matters.  Click here to watch yesterday’s L.D. 912 proceedings. Move the cursor to 13:02:13.

Take Action:

  • Please thank your representative if he/she sustained the veto. And express your displeasure if he/she didn’t.  Be sure to let him/her know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Maine. The roll call vote to sustain the veto is here.  All “no” votes are with us, “yes” votes against us, and an “x” vote means the legislator was absent for the vote.  Click here to find out who your representative is, based on the town in which you live.
  • Please also thank Gov. Paul LePage for his veto of this bill. His mailing address is: 1 State House Station, Augusta, ME  04333.  Or email his office. Be sure to let him know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Maine.

Please Pray: “Thank You, Father, for victory over this bill and that our Maine Legislature didn’t go the way of other states but protected our children’s rights to secure information they desire in their lean years when going through the maize of life’s different pathways.  Amen”

Children are vulnerable to cultural mores of their time.  What they observe in others’ behaviors and what ideas are spoken to them and placed in their minds, aren’t necessarily healthy for them.  This bill, L.D. 912 would have banned conversion therapy for these young minds and stopped them from getting the help they needed to lead the life they desire.

For more information click here to read Gov. LaPages excellent veto letter.

To God be the glory! 

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine

Partner with CWA of Maine through your financial support. We are continually grateful for those who give to the work of CWA of Maine. When you give to the state, all funds are used for state projects. To contribute your tax-deductible gift to CWA of Maine, please send a check written out to “Concerned Women for America” with “CWA of ME” on the memo line, and send to CWA of Maine, 864 Manchester Rd., Belgrade, ME  04917. Or, click here to contribute online.

Your involvement, financial gifts, and prayers could not be more appreciated.  Thank you!