Coffee & Conversation With Our Local Legislators

By April 24, 2017Virginia

The Forest Chapter of Concerned Women for America (CWA) sponsored a Coffee and Conversation with Delegates Kathy Byron, Terry Austin, and T. Scott Garrett on April 17.  Each delegate gave an overview of the General Assembly session.

“We are truly blessed in this area to have this powerhouse of conservative individuals that advocate for CWA’s core issues,” said Barb, CWA member.

Kathy Byron discussed a long list of legislation that was passed by both the House and Senate but vetoed by the governor. Gov. Terry McAuliffe set a record for vetoing bills during his tenure which included 40 bills this year.

“CWA members received a unique opportunity to hear and then see the servant attitudes that these legislators have,” said Jan Robey, CWA Chapter leader. “We look forward to working together to promote and protect Biblical values here in Virginia.”