Christian Conservative Women and Radical Feminists Agree: Women and Girls would be harmed by the Equality Act

Washington, D.C. — Today, the House Judiciary Committee will markup the Equality Act (HR 5), which would amend the Civil Rights Act redefining the meaning of “sex” as male and female to include the categories of sexual orientation and gender identity. Concerned Women for America’s Senior Director of Government Relations, Doreen Denny, issued the following statement:

“The bill would create a world in which women and girls are no longer recognized, protected or dignified as uniquely female. In jobs, education, sports, shelters or any public space, any biological man classifying himself as a woman according to his ‘gender identity’ would have every claim to any women’s program, scholarship, sports roster, competition, boardroom, executive office, women’s shelter, bathroom, locker room, or job. Under the Equality Act, everything women have done and achieved over the last half century to improve opportunities and protections in education, sports, the workplace, and society could be overruled by any male claiming ‘womanhood’.”

Concerned Women for America sent the attached letter to House Judiciary Members and have joined hands with radical feminists (Women’s Liberation Front) and other interested groups (Hands Across the Aisle) in our mutual concerns over the Equality Act. The attached US Equality Act: Gender Identity Impact Summary delineates why we are united in purpose against this bill. Making “gender identity” a protected characteristic under federal law would erase the protected category of sex which has been a foundation for securing the rights and opportunities of women in the United States. We implore you to recognize the powerful message that our joining together from the left and the right conveys in opposing the Equality Act.
