Child Prostitution is No Longer Illegal in California?!

By January 10, 2017California

Law enforcement officers need to be able to do everything they can to keep minors who are the victims of sex trafficking safe. However, this is no longer possible thanks to our legislature and Governor Jerry Brown’s decision regarding child prostitution.

Last September, Gov. Brown signed SB 1322 into law, decriminalizing child prostitution.  As of January, SB 1322 is now law.  Sex trafficking is a difficult subject with no one-size-fits-all answer.  Decriminalizing child prostitution may sound good at a surface level; but decriminalization is not the answer.

This law makes “recruiting” children easier for the pimp, because the minor will not be participating in anything illegal and therefore won’t get into trouble.  Decriminalization gives law enforcement one more obstacle in their ability to investigate sex trafficking involving minors and potentially takes away  their ability to rescue the children involved. Without a criminal charge, law enforcement cannot safeguard the minor or provide treatments and services.  Child prostitution is vicious and can include torture; therefore, treatment is sometimes imperative to a child’s healing and their future.

CWA of California is outraged that this bill was passed and is now law.  It must be repealed!

 We agree that these children are victims, andwe believe law enforcement officers need every tool necessary to keep minors safe including being able to arrest them in order to get them the help that they need.  This bill puts minors within the sex trade industry more at risk than they have ever been.


  • Pray for the rescue and rehabilitation of victims.
  • Pray that our lawmakers’ eyes will be open and they will have wisdom and courage in dealing with this issue.
  • Pray our representatives will push for the appropriations to fund shelters for juvenile victims.

Take Action:

  1. Contact both your senator and assemblyman/assemblywoman.  Simply ask them to “repeal SB 1322”. Click here to find out who your senator and assemblyman/assemblywoman are and how to contact them.  I encourage you to at least make a phone call to each of them, even if you don’t have time to e-mail them.  A call puts a greater amount of pressure than an e-mail.  Some say a call represents as much as one hundred people.  Also, if you so choose, feel free to call after hours and leave a voicemail.
  2. Contact Gov. Brown. Let him know how disappointed you are in him for signing SB 1322 into law.  Call him at 916-445-2841 and e-mail him.
  3. Find out if there is a shelter in your community for juvenile victims in which you can volunteer.

More information:

Article: Washington Times article – Failing the Children of California

Article: The Orange County Register – California Democrats Really Did Just Legalize Child Prostitution

Brochure: CWA’s Children in Prostitution