Celebrate and give thanks!

By November 25, 2021News and Events

The following article was originally published many years ago in Concerned Women for America’s Family Voice magazine.  I wanted to share it with you since its message is as timely today as it was then.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Penny Nance

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving Day when we thank God for His provision and protection. Sadly, much of the story about that first Thanksgiving has been watered down and lost. I want to remind you about this wonderful event so that you can teach your children, family, and friends 

The First Thanksgiving

In 1621, the Pilgrims suffered through a difficult winter of sickness and death. But the summer and fall brought a bountiful harvest. In fact, they had harvested enough corn and provisions to last throughout the winter.

These early Americans were so grateful that Gov. William Bradford, their leader, declared a day of public thanksgiving.

The Wampanoag Indian tribe had been particularly helpful to the Pilgrims, so they invited the chief, Massasoit, to the celebration. They did not expect, however, that he would arrive a day early and bring 90 others with him! The Pilgrims were probably rather fearful because a large group would have taken a great deal of the winter food supply. 

Trust God Implicitly

Historian Peter Marshall writes about this account in The Light and the Glory. He notes that, through their travails, they had learned to trust

God implicitly. The Pilgrims shared their food with their guests. They had not realized that the Indians brought five dressed deer and more than a dozen fat turkeys. Everyone had enough food, and this first Thanksgiving turned into a three-day celebration.

Their focus, however, was not just the food and games; it was on thanking God for His care and provision.

Throughout our nation’s history, God has been so faithful and kind. He has provided for our needs. He has blessed us repeatedly with great leaders, men, and women of integrity, who have fought diligently for our freedoms – on the battlefield, as well as in government, schools, businesses, and churches. We have great reason to give Him thanks during this special holiday. 

He is Faithful

This Thanksgiving, I want to encourage you to remember not just what God did for those early Americans. Remember also what He has done throughout our history. I believe we need to take to heart the lessons the Pilgrims learned – “to trust God implicitly” – and then to act on that trust.

Our country is marked with recent efforts to eliminate God from our schools, courtrooms, public places, businesses, and even our homes. Many Christians have responded fearfully, accepting the changes and hiding their beliefs. But God cannot be discarded that easily, can He? Like the Pilgrims, we need to trust God and not fear. We can speak boldly and truthfully when we encounter those who want to reshape our morals, our culture, and our future. We may see a dark culture, but God will bring light. 

New Challenges

I believe that concerned women and men will make a great difference in our nation and world. New challenges will greet us. So, pray now about how you can help return Biblical values to our society. I pray that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and a most blessed Christmas season!