Every state needs to pass laws that charge individuals with murder if they intentionally force…
CWALAC StaffMay 13, 2013
President Obama's health care mandate is disturbing and demeaning to the work of faith-based charities…
CWALAC StaffMay 13, 2013
Convicted: Concerned Women for America Applauds Jury Verdict in Kermit Gosnell Case WASHINGTON, D.C.- Kermit…
CWALAC StaffMay 13, 2013
Nance: "The American public has been brainwashed into believing that abortions in this country are…
CWALAC StaffMay 9, 2013
What if I told you they were systematically being eliminated not only from the workforce…
CWALAC StaffMay 8, 2013
Penny appears on Fox News' "On the Hunt" with Jonathan Hunt to talk about how…
CWALAC StaffMay 3, 2013
Pres. Obama asks for God's blessing over Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile, the Kermit Gosnell's of the…
CWALAC StaffApril 29, 2013
Most Americans are unaware of Kermit Gosnell's "house of horrors." Determined to inform the public,…
CWALAC StaffApril 18, 2013
Two days before the April 12 hearing on Virginia’s proposed abortion clinic regulations, we realized those opposed to the new…
CWALAC StaffApril 16, 2013
Here is the background information on the abortion horror trial going on now in Philadelphia.…
CWALAC StaffApril 16, 2013
"Infant beheadings. Severed baby feet in jars. A child screaming after it was delivered alive…
CWALAC StaffApril 12, 2013
A Planned Parenthood official embraced the idea of "after-birth abortions" (also known as infanticide!) when…
CWALAC StaffApril 1, 2013
The bills in North Dakota protect the lives of the most innocent Americans, those without…
CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2013