KansasNational Sovereignty Constitutional Convention Constitutional Convention: A Bad Idea? An Opportunity to Re-Write the Constitution?CWALAC StaffApril 10, 2013
National Sovereignty NANCE: The Iron Lady’s Life and Legacy Imagine what the world would look like if we had more Margaret Thatchers today?CWALAC StaffApril 9, 2013
National Sovereignty CWA Remembers Margaret Thatcher An example to all women. She will be missed.CWALAC StaffApril 8, 2013
National Sovereignty The Heart and Mind of Lady Thatcher Portions of a Q&A session held during CWA's Convention 2000 at which Mrs. Margaret Thatcher,…CWALAC StaffApril 8, 2013
BlogDefense of FamilyNational Sovereignty Upward Climbing or Downward Sliding Do you ever wonder how the ancient Israelites frequently managed to mess up so badly? …CWALAC StaffApril 3, 2013
National Sovereignty for KING & COUNTRY Young men calling on our younger generation to convey their true self-worth! Check out this…CWALAC StaffApril 3, 2013
National Sovereignty Imprisoned Pastor’s Wife Pleads for Help Nagmeh Abidini, wife of imprisoned Pastor Saeed Abidini, gives an update on his well-being and…CWALAC StaffMarch 26, 2013
BlogNational Sovereignty Save Saeed; Support Naghmeh The U.S. State Department and the Obama Administration have been glaringly absent in this case.…CWALAC StaffMarch 18, 2013
GeorgiaNational Sovereignty March 18- Celebrate Freedom Week legislation needs your help! Phone calls Needed!CWALAC StaffMarch 18, 2013
National SovereigntyPress Releases CWALAC Disappointed in the Senate’s Confirmation of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense The confirmation of former-Sen. Chuck Hagel to be the next civilian head of the United…CWALAC StaffFebruary 27, 2013
National Sovereignty Rubio Looks Beyond Union to Unity The state of the union for the GOP is much like the state of the…CWALAC StaffFebruary 14, 2013
National Sovereignty NANCE: The Golden Presidency At this year's National Prayer Breakfast, the president finally felt accountability and he squirmed.CWALAC StaffFebruary 14, 2013
National Sovereignty Refreshingly Rubio Sen. Marco Rubio's response speech to the President's State of the Union Address represents a…CWALAC StaffFebruary 13, 2013
National SovereigntyPress Releases CWA Continues to Question Hagel Nomination "It's striking that the nominee for Secretary of Defense is himself on the defense on…CWALAC StaffFebruary 7, 2013
BlogNational Sovereignty Christian Persecution Spreads Across Colleges The University of Michigan has allegedly kicked an InterVarsity Christian Fellowship chapter off campus. For…CWALAC StaffFebruary 4, 2013
National Sovereignty Penny Nance on The Blaze TV Your browser does not support iframes.CWALAC StaffJanuary 30, 2013
National Sovereignty CWA Disappointed in Panetta’s Announcement to Lift Ban on Women in Combat Our military cannot continue to choose social experimentation and political correctness over combat readinessCWALAC StaffJanuary 24, 2013
LegalNational Sovereignty DIAZ: Harry Reid’s shady filibuster reform He is tinkering with the very essence of the Founders' idea of checks and balances.…CWALAC StaffJanuary 11, 2013
LegalNational Sovereignty LBB: Reid vs. Reid Check out this devastating video highlighting Sen. Harry Reid's (D-Nevada) hypocrisy when it comes to…CWALAC StaffJanuary 9, 2013