LegalSexual Exploitation The Greening of Judicial Nominations Taking environmental policy to new heights, President Obama is now recycling failed judicial nominations.CWALAC StaffSeptember 15, 2010
Legal The Left’s Cry for More Judges Why the recent cry by the so-called mainstream media for the confirmation of judges is…CWALAC StaffSeptember 9, 2010
Legal U.S. Court Stops Federal Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research Late last week, U.S. District Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth issued an injunction against the…CWALAC StaffAugust 26, 2010
Legal Prop. 8 Marriage Case Update The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a stay of activist Judge Vaughn Walker's ruling…CWALAC StaffAugust 19, 2010
Legal Kagan Set for the Playoffs – How Will the Rookie Do? We know how political activist Kagan would handle such cases. But would it be any…CWALAC StaffAugust 19, 2010
Legal The Prop. 8 Case Charade The man responsible for the opinion is United States District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker,…CWALAC StaffAugust 12, 2010
Defense of FamilyLegal California Judge Overturns Prop 8 Judge Vaughn Walker overturns the will of California voters to preserve marriage as the union…CWALAC StaffAugust 5, 2010
Legal Justice Elena Kagan Confirmed The U.S. Senate confirmed Justice Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court by a vote…CWALAC StaffAugust 5, 2010
LegalNational Sovereignty The Castor Oil of Free Speech Sometimes those who uphold the Constitution have to take difficult positions on cases when the…CWALAC StaffJuly 22, 2010
Legal All Eyes on Lindsay Graham Live coverage of the Senate Judiciary Committe meeting where a vote on the nomination of…CWALAC StaffJuly 20, 2010
Legal Why You Should Care About Kagan Audio Commentary Download Even after the hearings on the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court,…CWALAC StaffJuly 8, 2010
Legal Tea Time at the Kagan Household It is crystal clear our liberties will never be secure with Elena Kagan at the…CWALAC StaffJuly 6, 2010
LegalNational Sovereignty Supreme Court Rules Against Christian Student Group In a 5-4 decision, the court said that the university's "anti-discrimination policy" was reasonable and…CWALAC StaffJuly 1, 2010
Legal CWA on Fox 5: Kagan Not Qualified for the Supreme Court Mario Diaz, Esq., CWA's Policy Director of Legal Issues, talks about the troubling record and…CWALAC StaffJuly 1, 2010
Legal Elena Kagan Not Fit for the Supreme Court CWA stood with other pro-family organizations to highlight Kagan's troubling record on virtually every issue…CWALAC StaffJune 24, 2010
Legal Top 10 Questions Kagan Should Be Asked at the Hearings Each question is, of course, meant to spark more discussion on Kagan's judicial philosophy and…CWALAC StaffJune 22, 2010
Legal Supreme Court Nomination Watch: Focus on Kagan As court watchers go over Elena Kagan's records from the Clinton Library, a clear picture…CWALAC StaffJune 17, 2010
Legal Supreme Court Nomination Watch: Kagan and the Proper Role of a Judge A third of some 150-thousand + documents on Elena Kagan have arrived on the Hill…CWALAC StaffJune 10, 2010
Legal Dems Swallow Hook, Party Line, and Stinker Am I taking it personally? You bet. I have a daughter not too much younger…CWALAC StaffJune 10, 2010
Legal Supreme Court Nomination Watch: Kagan and International Law President Obama's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court Elena Kagan seems willing to consider international…CWALAC StaffJune 3, 2010