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Capitol Hill Brief — Pray for the Persecuted

By December 29, 2016Blog, Capitol Hill Brief
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As we celebrate the Christmas season and the New Year, let us remember our brothers and sisters around the world who are being targeted for their faith in Christ.

Just last week, a bomb explosion in the Coptic Christian cathedral complex in Cairo, Egypt, killed at least 25, leaving dozens more injured in a blast in a chapel adjoining St. Mark’s cathedral during the Sunday service.

Egypt’s Christian minority (which only makes about 10% of the population) has been targeted for extinction by Islamist militants in recent years.  The situation is desperate; they covet our prayers.  Please join me in prayer for these dear saints.

2017 is approaching fast, and here at CWA, we’re fighting for your family, faith, and freedoms. Download the 2017 Prayer Points, and join us in praying for our nation. Just visit to download our Prayer Points, and join us in targeted prayer for our country. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.