Capitol Hill Brief — Final Vote Day


I want to congratulate you today!  Judge Neil Gorsuch will be the next Justice of the Supreme Court, and you, as a member of Concerned Women for America, helped make that happen.

In Judge Gorsuch, we have a Justice who is committed to the Constitution and the laws enacted by congress, as written.  We have someone who respects his role as a judge and will not legislate from the bench.

We have someone who respects the sanctity of human life and religious liberty.

Thank you for making a difference through CWA as we work together to protect our freedoms.  And if you haven’t join CWA yet, what are you waiting for?  Visit our website today and join the fight!

Join us on the front lines. Fight to defend critical issues, like the sanctity of life and religious freedom. Together we’ll bring Biblical, constitutional values back to our nation. Visit to see how you can help. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.