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Capitol Hill Brief — Alveda King


One of the highlights of our 100 No More Rallies is to hear the testimony and beautiful heart of Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the beloved civil rights Leader, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Alveda is a post-abortive, pro-life champion who reminds us God has a plan for each of us. Listen in as she spoke at our North Dakota rally.

[Audio Clip] Dr. Alveda King:  “In 1993, I became born again — repented for all my sins, including abortion. In 1950, my granddaddy convinced my mother not to have a D&C for a ‘mysterious female ailment,’ and that’s what Planned Parenthood would call them, so he said he had seen me in a dream three years before I was born, with bright skin and bright red hair, and I was gonna bless many people.”

Join the fight to defend the unborn, and give them the right to live. Every life matters! We want to see laws passed that uphold these values. Visit to get involved in the fight today. If you’d like to hear these commentaries on the radio, find me on your local radio station.