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Calls Needed to the Governor and Legislative Wrap Up

By March 3, 2021Virginia
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The very fast-paced state legislative session convened on January 13 and was adjourned on February 11.  Immediately following the adjournment, Gov. Ralph Northam (Democrat) called a Special Session,  supposedly to deal with the budget and COVID-19 response. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Virginia’s volunteer legislative team (Cathy Tankersley, Carole Denner, Teresa Pregnall, Jan Robey) monitored and researched legislation and represented your interests throughout the legislative session. You can check out CWA of Virginia’s legislative priorities here.

Action Needed on Bad Election Bills
A priority for CWA of Virginia this session was election integrity. The right to vote in a free and fair election is the most basic civil right, one on which many of the other rights of the American people depend. Disappointingly, many bad election bills were passed by the legislature and now await the governor’s signature.

Please contact Gov. Northam today and urge him not to sign the following election bills. Let him know that you oppose these measures, which weaken election integrity.

HB1888 – Absentee voting; adding ballot drop-off locations.
SB1097 – Absentee voting; witness signature not required.

Contact information: 804-786-2211 | Online contact form

Wrap-Up on other legislative priorities

Good election legislation

Election bills supported by CWA of Virginia were defeated mostly along party lines. Thank you for adding your voice in support of these commonsense measures, which would have preserved election integrity.

  • HB1970 – Voter identification: photograph required.
  • HB1746 – Conduct of elections; vote counting, required live video recording.
  • SB1153 – Elections: absentee voting; ballots to be sorted and results by precinct.
  • HB1758 – Voter registration, transmit weekly list of deceased to Department of Elections.
  • HB2205 – Same-day voter registration; repeal.
  • SB1118 – Voter registration; verification of social security numbers, provisional status.

Sanctity of Life Legislation
Regrettably, companion bills HB1896 and SB1276 passed and will allow state health plans to cover abortions. Fortunately, HB1922 which would have expanded abortion coverage, did not pass out of committee.

Defense of Family Legislation
CWA of Virginia supported SB1235’s requirement that the Department of Health must have parental consent before communicating with a minor. This bill was drafted in response to the postcard that was mailed to Virginia minors from the Department of Health regarding sexual matters. Unfortunately, the bill did not come out of a House committee after passing the full Senate by a vote of 20-19.

We praise God that HB1932, which would have removed the conscience protections for agencies that place children in foster and adoptive homes, did not pass out of committee. Thank you to everyone who let committee members know your convictions. Your efforts made a difference!

May we continue to pray for our legislators to have discernment.  “May the Lord give you discretion and understanding when he puts you in command over Israel, so that you may keep the law of the Lord your God.” 1 Chronicles 22:12

In these difficult days, remember that our confidence must be established on God, not government.  Prayers and action at the grassroots level MUST continue.  “Duty is ours, results are God’s.” John Quincy Adams.

Thank you!
Janet Robey
Associate State Director
For Concerned Women for America LAC