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Calls Needed to Oppose Physician-Assisted Suicide

By January 30, 2021North Dakota
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You can make a difference in North Dakota by praying and acting on an important bill concerning life and death – HB 1415, relating to physician-assisted suicide. Though there are many sound academic reasons to oppose physician-assisted suicide, Concerned Women for America of North Dakota believes the most important reason is that God, and God alone, is the author of life. We cannot take on the role of God and take life based on our inconsistent judgment.

This Monday, February 1, I will testify in front of the House Human Services Committee in opposition to the bill. I will urge the committee members to give HB 1415 a “Do Not Pass” recommendation. I covet your prayers. The committee will vote on the bill at a later date.

Please Take Action:

#1. Email or call the House Human Services Committee members listed below my signature line and ask them to vote a “Do Not Pass” on HB 1415. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota, please let them know. Do not hesitate to leave a message on their voicemail.

Suggested message:
Please vote “Do Not Pass” on HB 1415. Physician-assisted suicide devalues human life.  There is no “death with dignity” when a person is helped to end their own life.

Your name and town

#2. Forward this information to family and friends! Every email message and every phone call are counted!

Please Pray: Pray for our legislators on the House Education Committee by name, that God would give them the wisdom and understanding to accomplish His purposes.

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.”  Psalm 139:16
Linda Thorson
State Director