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Calls Needed on Texas End-of-Life Directive Bill

By May 7, 2019Texas
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SB-2089, a bill relating to advance directives, has been placed on the intent calendar and is expected to be debated in the Texas Senate in the next few days. This pro-life bill respects the wishes of the patient and patient’s family when advanced directives for end of life care have been made.  Currently, if a dispute arises between the hospital, the doctors, and the family about life-sustaining measures, the hospital and doctors convene an ethics committee. If the committee decides in opposition to the family, the family has ten days to seek medical care for the patient in another facility before the hospital and doctors can remove life-sustaining care.  This bill expands the transfer time until another facility can be arranged.  Here is a portion of the bill:

SECTION 2.The purpose of this Act is to protect the right of patients and their families to decide whether and under what circumstances to choose or reject life-sustaining treatment. This Act amends the applicable provisions of the Advance Directives Act

(Chapter 166, Health and Safety Code) to ensure that, when an attending physician is unwilling to respect a patient’s advance directive or a patient’s or family’s decision to choose the treatment necessary to prevent the patient’s death, life-sustaining medical treatment will be provided until the patient can be transferred to a health care provider willing to honor the directive or treatment decision.

Take Action!

  1. Please call your state Senator and ask him or her to vote FOR SB 2089.  Your Senator’s telephone number is 512-463-01xx. The two x’s are your Texas Senate District’s number.  For example:  Sen. Hughes number is:  512-463-0101. Click here to locate your state senator. Type in your address, press Find, and then look for Texas Senate District in the left panel. Be sure to let them know you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Texas.
  2. Please send this alert to family and friends.

Pray that those who care for our citizens in end-of-life situations will recognize the sanctity of life and honor the plans and wishes of the patient as they face their eternal home.  Psalm 116:15 says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Godly ones.”

Ann Hettinger
State Director
CWA of Texas