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Virginia: Calls Needed: Elections, Abortion & Conscience Protections

By February 7, 2021Virginia
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The Virginia General Assembly’s legislative session is moving rapidly. Concerned Women for America of Virginia is working on key issues that impact you. Calls/emails are needed early this week (February 8) on the following pieces of legislation:

The Virginia General Assembly has put forth some bad election legislation that opens the door to corruption. We are opposing HB1888 because it provides for the establishment of ballot drop boxes, which can create security, tampering, and chain of custody issues. We are also opposing SB1097, which removes the witness signature requirement from absentee voting ballots, inviting voter fraud.

There is one piece of good legislation that we support, SB1422. SB1422 will require weekly reporting from the State Registrar of Vital Records to the Department of Election of those individuals who have died. This will ensure that the voter rolls are updated in a consistent manner.

Take Action!

  1. Contact your state delegate today and urge him or her to oppose SB1097 and to support SB1422.
  2. Contact your state senator today and urge him or her to oppose HB1888.
  3. If you do not know who your state delegate and senator are, click here. If you are a member of CWA of Virginia, be sure to let them know.


Identical bills, HB 1896 and SB 1276, will expand the reach of abortion in Virginia have passed both the House of Delegates and the State Senate. These dangerous bills would eliminate the restriction under the Affordable Care Act offered in Virginia regarding abortion funding at the taxpayers’ expense.

 Take Action: 

  1. Contact the committee members in the House Labor and Commerce and the Senate Commerce and Labor. Urge the committee members to vote NO on the bills.
  2. Contact your State Delegate and Senator to inform them that abortion coverage should not expand in Virginia, especially at the taxpayers’ expense. Tell him or her to vote against the bills then they are voted on in their respective chambers. Click here to find your legislator.

Conscience Protections for Adoptions Agencies

HB1932 passed the Virginia House of Delegates. This dangerous bill “repeals provisions that allowed child-placing agencies to refuse to perform, assist with, counsel, recommend, consent to, refer, or participate in any child placements when the proposed placement would violate the agency’s written religious or moral convictions or policies.”

Take Action! Call or email your state senator today and urge him or her to OPPOSE HB1932 when it comes to the floor for a vote. Click here to find your state senator.

Click here for a list of the priority legislation CWA of Virginia is monitoring.