California Recall Election: iVoterGuide Resource

By August 31, 2021California

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 

Dear California friends:

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee is pleased to be able to partner with iVoterGuide to provide you with an up-to-date voters’ guide for the 2021 California Gubernatorial Recall Election. We pray that this information is helpful to you as you prepare to vote.

Voting by mail began Monday, August 16, and will continue through Tuesday, September 14
Election Day is Tuesday, September 14.

September 11-14: In-person voting available at some poll locations

September 14: Recall Election Day

All active registered voters in California were sent mail ballots beginning August 16.

Track your ballot here.

We recommend you vote in person or return your mail ballot to an official drop-off location whenever possible, rather than mailing your ballot. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked on or before September 14. (NOTE: If you vote in person, please take your mail ballot with you so that you may surrender it and vote with a poll ballot.)

At least some polling locations will be open for several days prior to September 14. Find polling places and specific information to your area through your county registrar of voters (list here). Find an early voting or official drop-off location near you here.

Be sure to use iVoterGuide to compare the candidates as you do your research before you vote.

This is a very important election. Pray for God’s wisdom, and then take action and vote.  Thank you for your faithfulness!

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee and iVoterGuide