Breaking the Billion-Dollar Bondage of Pornography

Pornography: it is a billion-dollar industry wreaking havoc on our men, women and children. Yet, it is rare to hear much about it. That is until recently, as more extensive research is done on the issue, all pointing to pornography’s many harms.

Today, our culture paints pornography as harmless, but researchers have found an overwhelming amount of data showing otherwise. Increased technology has made pornography accessible from almost anywhere at any time. Honestly, it’s pretty difficult not to come across it, and the content we’re talking about is not just your grandma’s idea of pornography. Today’s definition includes hardcore, explicit material that is warping reality and increasing the prevalence of divorce, rape, sexual violence, sex trafficking, and more. Much of it is illegal under U.S. obscenity laws.

It’s not just an issue for men, either; pornography is a problem amongst women as well.

Our current knowledge of the effects of pornography is extensive and without question, pornography is detrimental to minds, bodies, spirits, families, and society as a whole. Below are eight of the harms of pornography, but the examples are just a drop in the very large bucket of evidence against pornography.

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