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Book Study Worth Considering

By July 23, 2023Pennsylvania

“Wisdom calls aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the public squares; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out, in the gateways of the city she makes her speech.” Proverbs 1:20-21

We are stronger when we stand together with one voice. That is exactly how members of Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania felt after completing a statewide virtual book study of Penny Nance’s Feisty & Feminine: A Rallying Cry for Conservative Women. 

As a result of the book study, we gained a new perspective on how to handle adversity and how to approach the ever-changing issues facing our nation. We also discussed current issues and the ways we can increase our influence in today’s culture as Christian conservative women while still holding fast to our faith and conservative values.

I personally walked away encouraged and so thankful for the thoughtful, compelling, Christian conservative women from across the state who signed up for the study as they boldly affirmed and voiced conservative principles from a Biblical worldview. Here are some takeaways from the participants:  

“It is an encouragement to meet together with other like-minded women. The current situation and false narrative that we hear from the media is so frustrating. I am so thankful for CWA in that it provides me an opportunity to take that energy of frustration and put it toward positive action.” Catherine Thornberry   

“I learned a lot about how to be more like Esther, and I feel I have more confidence to do so. Penny gave great examples from her personal life, which made me comfortable. Her book was informative about many sad issues we, as women, face. Because of this book and author, my prayers will be more intense.” Beverly Maneval 

“This was an interesting and informative book study that discussed today’s controversial issues our nation is facing. I knew about many of these issues, but it was helpful to read about them in more detail and remind us about the changes and support that need to be made to help women and our society. It was helpful to take part in the Zoom meeting with a group of other Christian conservative women to listen and share experiences and ideas.” Pam Watkins 

 “When I first signed up for the Feisty & Feminine book study, I thought I was in touch with these issues, but after listening to the other participants, I realized that I was living in a closet. The most inspiring part of this study was listening to the other women who actually lived through some of these experiences. In my little part of my world, these issues are not at the forefront of my mind. I definitely came away with a new understanding of what women are experiencing.”  Theresa McCool 

“This book is an action plan for ‘such a time as this.’” Irene Harris

Consider hosting a Feisty & Feminine book study in your area! It is available to large groups or small groups, churches, Bible study groups, community groups, mother-daughter events, college groups, youth groups, in your home, via Zoom, in a restaurant, in a church, or a library.

Contact me today to learn how as a godly woman, you can arise and engage our culture on behalf of the family, the home, and most importantly, the living God. We cannot allow the extreme feminist agenda to define what a conservative woman is. Modern feminism is destructive to women, families, and our country, so we must be equipped to speak out against this radical narrative while maintaining our inherent femininity. 

For such a time as this,
Dilonna M. Coran
State Director