As Election Day Approaches – See What Each Party Platform Stands For

By August 23, 2016Kansas

Dear CWA of Kansas Friend,

 As Election Day approaches, do you have questions?  How will you decide?

Did you know that the 2016 Republican National Party platform says this on Page 24: “We respect the states’ authority and flexibility to exclude abortion providers from federal programs such as Medicaid and other health care and family planning programs so long as they continue to perform or refer for elective abortions or sell the body parts of aborted children.

Did you know that the 2016 Democratic National Party platform says this on Page 34: “We will fight Republican efforts to roll back the clock on women’s health and reproductive rights, and stand up for Planned Parenthood.”

Did you know that the 2016 Democratic National Party platform says this on Page 46: “Democrats believe that LBGT rights are human rights and that American foreign policy should advance the ability of all persons to live with dignity, security, and respect, regardless of who they are or who they love.

Did you know that the 2016 Republican National Party platform says this on Page 31: “Our laws and our government’s regulations should recognize marriage as the union of one man and one woman and actively promote married family life as the basis of a stable and prosperous society.

No?  Then you need to read CWA’s 2016 Party Platform Comparison.  Fourteen issues are compared: Sanctity of Life; Gender; Education; Freedom of Religion; National Sovereignty; Israel; Military; Immigration; Gun Control; Health Care; Fiscal Responsibility; Environment; Criminal Justice and Anti-Trafficking; and Election and Campaign Laws.  You and your friends should see first-hand the differences in the beliefs of each party before you vote.  Excerpts from 58 pages of Republican beliefs and 51 pages of Democratic beliefs have been condensed to seven to give you a glimpse of the heart of the two parties.

You can access this today on our website under “2016 Party Platform Comparison is Now Available!”

Please first and foremost pray.  Pray for our great state and country.  May the Christians earnestly seek the Lord before November 8.

Please take action today.

  1. Ask your church if you can hand them out as people exit the sanctuary. Or, put them on an information table.  Yes, it is legal for churches to distribute this.  It will not affect their tax status because it presents information from both parties in a nonpartisan way.  After getting approval, contact us to let us know how many you would like.
  1. Donate to Concerned Women for America of Kansas. Your gift will help put this comparison in the hands of hundreds of voters before November 8.  Your gift in any amount will educate the electorate.  Please send your tax-deductible donations to the address below, or, donate online through our website now!  Simply click on “DONATE TO YOUR STATE.”

Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity.


Barbara Saldivar

State Director
Concerned Women for America of Kansas
P.O. Box 8331
Topeka, Kansas 66608