Are You Ready to Vote on November 6? Check Out Our Helpful Missouri Resources!

By October 25, 2018Missouri

There are many candidates and ballot issues for the voters in Missouri to consider on the November ballot. CWA of Missouri has assembled some resources for you to use, share with your friends, and/or download and print for your church.

Candidate Voter Guides:

  • Variety of issues for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House and State Auditor candidates –
  • Variety of issues for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House and State Auditor candidates –
  • Variety of issues for the U.S. Senate candidates – FRC
  • Sanctity of Life ratings for Federal, Statewide and State Legislature candidates – MRL 

Area Specific Sample Ballot and Polling Place* (Click on “Candidates and Issues” to get your sample ballot.) 

CWA’s Party Platform Comparison – Comparison of the Republican and Democrat platforms on the issues we care about.

CWA of Missouri’s Statewide Ballot Issues description of all seven issues 

Two push cards to freely print and distribute:

 The Courts:

The first two members, Powell and Russell, of the Missouri Supreme Court, are up for a retention vote on all the ballots statewide. The remainder are each on a Court of Appeal and up for a retention vote. One won’t have all the Court of Appeal judges on one’s ballot since there is Eastern, Western and Southern.

  • Judge W. Brent Powell was appointed to the Missouri Supreme Court by Gov. Eric Greitens in 2017.
  • Judge Mary Russell was appointed to the Missouri Supreme Court by Gov. Bob Holden in 2004.
  • Judge Colleen Dolan was appointed to the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District by Gov. Jay Nixon in 2016.
  • Chief Judge Lisa Page was appointed to Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District by Governor Nixon in 2015. 
  •  Judge Jeffrey Bates was appointed to the Missouri Court of Appeals, Southern District by Governor Holden in 2003.
  • Edward Ardini, Jr. was appointed to the Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District by Governor Nixon in 2016.

Judge lookup based on county

In the majority of Missouri counties, judges will be running as either a Republican or Democrat. Hopefully you will already know the belief system of a sitting judge who is running for re-election or a candidate for judge.

If you live in the city of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Clay County, Jackson County, Platte County and Greene County your county is included in the Missouri “Non-partisan” Court Plan. One can go to to get the links to judges who are up for retention in those circuits/counties. Using your sample ballot you downloaded from the Secretary of State’s website* enter the last name of the judges up for retention in your county’s circuits in the search bar found in the upper right corner. That should bring up that particular judge so you can read the bio and the Missouri Bar’s recommendation.

Bev Ehlen
State Director
CWA of Missouri