Anniversary of the Center for Medical Progress Scandal

July 14, 2016, marks the first anniversary of the release of the first of a series of videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).  These videos exposed that Planned Parenthood is not only harvesting body parts after an abortion, but altering abortions to get them, and then profiting off their sale. Several illegal and unethical actions on the part of Planned Parenthood were brought to life.

The overarching theme of the investigation is clear: Planned Parenthood sometimes justifies abortion by saying the baby isn’t really a baby, but then turns around and sells the baby parts which are valuable precisely because of their humanity.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) developed an exclusive webpage devoted to bringing summaries of each video geared towards those who wanted to know the truth, but may not be able to stomach watching every detail unfold – which at times included images of aborted babies.

The pro-choice side says the videos are all edited.  But CMP has put together a document archive with proof after proof that this hidden industry in baby parts trafficking not only exists but is a huge source of profit – often at the expense of proper consent.

CWA then covered updates of the scandal and how it fits in with a history of investigative journalism in America.  The scandal resulted in David Daleidan, the main undercover investigator, being accused of two charges – (ironically) buying baby body parts and using fake identity – both bogus charges for actions that were a simple mainstay of undercover investigation.  The conflicts of interest in the case were fraught with forefront, and eventually the first charge against Daleidan for the buying of baby body parts was dropped.  There are reports that video footage unjustly stolen by the Attorney General from his California home are still in possession by the state.

The investigation sparked controversy on a national scale, including the involvement of Congress.  Some very important findings from a hearing at which Cecile Richards, the President of Planned Parenthood, testified are outlined here, and even more questions could have been asked.

A select panel on Infant Lives was set up with Chairman Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) at its head.  Disturbingly, it found substantial evidence that Planned Parenthood was violating HIPPA patient right protection laws when allowing contracted StemExpress workers to view medical records to screen for better baby parts to meet their research demands.  Furthermore, consent from the women for release of her medical records was not obtained.  These disturbing revelations are scandals in and of themselves, and Chairman Blackburn has reported some of the select panel’s findings to Health and Human Services in a letter.

To this day, the first video has 3,233,090 views on Youtube.  That’s only about 1 in every 100 people in America.  Let’s make it more.  Share the video now.  People need to know the truth.