Action: Senate Soon to Consider Abortion on Demand Act!

ACTION: Tell Your Senators to Reject the So-Called Women’s Health Protection Act!


The U.S. Senate will consider S. 4132, the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA). This extreme bill—more aptly named the “Abortion on Demand Act”—aims to codify and expand Roe v. Wade, superseding any conflicting state or federal law and creating a sweeping right to provide or obtain an abortion without limitation or safeguards up until a child’s birth. In doing so, the bill jeopardizes common sense measures like ultrasound and fetal heartbeat tests, mandatory reflection periods, and parental notice requirements


In a transparent attempt to disguise their extremism, Senate Democrats have simply copied and pasted failed legislation from late February, the only change being an omission of the “findings” section. The result is the same abominable policy proposal that denigrates the sanctity of life.


Please email, call, or tweet your senators through our Action Center HERE and urge them to oppose this radical ploy for abortion on demand. Women deserve better.


Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) vehemently opposes this inhumane legislation. We are not alone. An overwhelming majority of Americans support limits on abortion after the first trimester at least.


The deceptive WHPA does nothing less than advance a culture of death by abortion in America. Sadly, as the Left processes the potential overturning of Roe, sending abortion policy decisions back to the people through their elected representatives, this tone-deaf bill has become their final, desperate rallying cry.


Contact your senators TODAY and demand policy that truly protects women’s health and well-being and defends our most vulnerable, the precious unborn.